Comprehensive Dentistry

Cspd Exam Chair

Our comprehensive dental services are designed to improve both the function and aesthetics of your child’s smile, utilizing the latest advancements in dental materials and techniques. From tooth-colored composite fillings that restore cavities invisibly in just one visit, to specialized pulp treatments aimed at saving a tooth that might otherwise be lost to decay, we offer a range of treatments tailored to meet the unique needs of each patient. Dental crowns provide a durable solution for damaged teeth, available in various materials to best suit the individual case, while extractions are performed with the utmost care for teeth beyond repair.

Composite (White) Fillings

Tooth-colored fillings are the most lifelike material used to fill cavities. Composite fillings can be done in one visit. Once the decay is removed, the tooth is filled with this composite material that hardens immediately after placement.

Dental Crowns

Crowns are used to restore damaged or decayed teeth in children. Crowns completely cover the remaining tooth structure after it has been treated. They can be made of many different materials, including stainless steel, composite materials, polycarbonate, resin, porcelain, and zirconia. We offer several different options, allowing us to choose what is best for each child and each tooth.


A tooth that can not be saved with restorative materials may need to be removed. Before removing the tooth, the area will be numbed with local anesthesia. The tooth is then loosened using a special dental instrument known as an elevator. After the tooth is loosened from the socket, it is removed.

Pulp Treatment (Pulpotomy/Pulpectomy/Baby Root Canal)

If the inner chamber of the tooth, known as the dental pulp, is invaded by the cavity, it will gradually deteriorate and become infected. The root canal process involves removing the infected pulp, cleaning out the chamber and roots (if needed), and filling the chamber and/or canals with a material that will help restore the tooth until it is time for in to normally exfoliate ( fall out on its own naturally).


Cosmetic bonding is the process of filling or restoring teeth with a tooth-colored material in order to maintain a natural appearance.

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Prince George's, Montgomery, Charles, Anne Arundel, Saint Mary's counties, or the Washington, DC
? Call to schedule your appointment today!

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Camp Springs Pediatric Dentistry


4400 Telfair Blvd Suite A1
Camp Springs, 




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